Martin Marty’s Ph.D. Advisees

Between 1963 and 2003, Martin Marty was the main advisor or, in some instances, co-advisor of 115 doctoral graduates. They came from Divinity, History, History of Culture, Education, and other areas of study at the University of Chicago.

A note to MEM-Advisee Nation:
As much as possible, we would like to link each person
on this list
to a single web page describing or remembering
the specific person. If the entry for anyone below is non-ideal,
non-existent, or non-correct, please
use the Contact button in
the top menu to send the URL of one relevant page.
Thank you.

M. Barbara Akin (1970, History)
Catherine Albanese (1972)
Robert Alvis (2000)
Richard Anderson (1973, History)
R. Scott Appleby (1985)
Yaakov Ariel (1986)
James Ash (1976)
Paul Baglyos (1997)
Craig Barnes (1992)
Marvin Bergman (1990)
James Block (1999, CSThought)
Eileen Brewer (1984)
James Bundy (1979)
Jonathan Butler (1975)
Stephen Carleton (1975)
Dennis Castillo (1990)
Robert Choquette (1971)
James Connelly (1977)
Clifford Crummey (1963)
Peter D’Agostino (1993)
Donald Dayton (1981)
Paul Dekar (1978)
Linda Delloff (1981)
Jay P. Dolan (1970) (d. 2023)
Kathryn Dvorak (1985)
Kent Druyvesteyn (1976)
Mark Englund-Krieger (1998, Practical Theology)
Anne Faulkner (1970, History of Culture)
Tom Faulkner (1975)
Craig Forney (2002)
Larry Foster (1976, History)
David Garrison (1988)
Richard Gowan (1971)
Stephen Graham (1989)
Mark Granquist (1992)
John Groh (1971)
Lisa Grunberger (1997)
Suzanne Gwiazda (1977, History of Culture)
R. Scott Hanson (2002, History of Culture)
Nancy Hardesty (1976)
Vincent Harding (1965, History)
Philip Harrold (2001)
Janette Hassey (1986)
Charles Headington (1985)
Marvin Hill (1968, History)
Brian Hillis (1988)
Everett Hunt (1976) (d. 1996)
Channing Jeschke (1966)
Thomas Jonas (1981)
Jeffrey Kaplan (1993, History of Culture)
Chung Jung Ki (1987, History)
Richard Kern (1968)
David Kling (1985)
Peter Kountz (1976, History of Culture)
Robert Krivoshey (1973, History)
DeAne Lagerquist (1986)
David Larsen (2001)
Timothy Lee (1996)
David Lewis (1979)
James Lewis (1987)
Daisy Machado (1996)
Joseph McShane (1982)
Michael McTighe (1983, History) 
Harvey Markowitz (2002)
Bernard Markwell (1977, History) 
R. Jonathan Moore (2003)
Douglas Morgan (1992)
Beth King McKeown (1977)
Jean Miller-Schmidt (1969)
Roland Nelson (1964) (d. 1993)
James Overbeck (1975)
Jon Pahl (1990)
Daniel Pals (1975)
Dale Pattison (1970, History)
Samuel Pearson (1964)
Mary Pellauer (1981)
Gary Peluso (1991, Practical Theology)
Jeffrey Potash (1986, History)
Craig Prentiss (1997)
Paul Pribbenow (1993)
George Procter-Smith (1969)
Elizabeth Profit (2001)
Sally Promey (1988, History of Culture)
Laura Praglin (1998, Practical Theology)
Arthur Puotinen (1978)
Edward Queen (1986)
William Quinn Jr. (1982, History of Culture)
Leon Rosenthal (1989)
Michele Rosenthal (2000)
William Sachs (1981)
Stephen Shaw (1982)
Robert Shepard (1988, Education)
Jerry Sittser (1989)
Trygve Skarsten (1968)
Stephen Snyder (1975)
Mark Sorvillo (1990)
Terry Sparkes (1993)
Julia Speller (1996)
John G. Stackhouse Jr. (1987)
Winnifred Sullivan (1993)
Dan Swinson (1992)
Katherine Tobin-Schlesinger (1994, History)
Gerrit tenZythoff (1967)
Mark Toulouse (1984)
Gil Waldkoenig (1994)
Michael Warner (1990, History)
Jerry Weber (1997)
Timothy Weber (1976)
James Wellman (1995, Practical Theology)
Paul Westermeyer (1978)
Rob Wilson-Black (2002)
John Wimmer (1992)
James Wind (1983)
Stewart Winger (1998, History of Culture)

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